MSC Chitra tilted 80 degrees; spilling nearly 50 tonnes of oil have spilled intothe water which has affected the life of animals in the water. About 300 contained have been tumbled into water, Commandant (Operations), Coast Guard Mr. Arun Singh said to reporters.
Chief Minister of Maharashtra Ashok Chavan is worried by this incident and said to reporters that, this is a serious issue. Government has already filed cases against the captains of the two ships which are from abroad. Chavan also said that he is going to have an aerial look at the accident site. All efforts are done to contain oil leak as far as possible, CM added.
Earlier on Saturday, Two Panamanian cargo ships named MSC Chitra and MV Khalijia-111 collided about 10 kms off Mumbai harbour, which caused an oil spill from one of the vessel.
A total of 32 crew members including two Pakistanis were rescused from the accident site. Navy and the Coast Guard are doing best efforts to neutralise the oil spill. They also carried out anti-pollution operations and has also done some chemical spraying on the effects region in the water.
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